

Method of Magnezit Group magnesia conditioning agent production is protected by the patent of Russian Federation

Magnezit Group became owner of the patent of Russian Federation, protecting method of magnesia conditioning agent production. The federal service of intellectual property of Russian Federation (Rospatent) issued on February 27, 2013 patent № 2476608.

The invention is aimed at solving the task of strength improvement of metallurgical vessels refractory linings and improvement of degree of metals separation efficiency from detrimental impurities as well as at reduction of slag blowing time thanks to increasing of rate of conditioning agent solution in the slag.

When conditioning agent is fed for melting (during charging of scrap and/ or during the heat) partial foaming of slag occurs thanks to the content in it of gas — forming agent. Such a foamed slag covers the surface of metal limiting contact of oxygen with metal and slag line lining. Conditioning of slag occurs simultaneously and lowers its aggressive influence on the lining.

The invention can be used for application of slag scull onto the lining of metallurgical vessels and for slag forming during heat. The method consists of mixing of products containing magnesium compounds and/ or carbon component, which form gaseous agent during heating up, of magnesia component which has been burnt in rotary and / or shaft kiln, and binding materials with further briquetting or granulation. The new method of conditioning agent production differs from the old one by introduction during mixing of unburnt calcium-containing component and application of burnt magnesia component in the form of fraction less than 0,088 mm.

As of January 1, 2013 Magnezit Group is owner of 31 patents for inventions, 8 patents for utility models and 2 trade marks. Another 12 applications for inventions are at the stage of expertise: 7 of them in Rospatent, 2 — in Ukrainian Patent Office, 2 — in Eurasian Patent Office and 1 application in China.

Magnezit Group is an integrated company with central office in Satka (Russia), ensuring complete cycle of magnesia products manufacturing from mining of raw materials up to engineering and operational service. Production and servicing enterprises in Russia, China, Slovakia and Ukraine make part of the company as well as a wise network of servicing and trading representative offices all over the world.

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